Bridge Technology

Bridge Technology Sheild
New Approach to Schools Shield:
You are in charge
BTP is introducing a new approach for smart School Shield in North America
We will build the security infrastructure for you, based on the local and national threads, your location,
infrastructure and your staff. We will teach and train you to maintain the high level of immunity and to
take immediate control for any event.
The result is almost invisible security infrastructure on one hand and a quick local reaction and prevention for all types of risks.
By keep on communicating with you and have a deep understanding of your requirements and means, we will design flexible solutions with the capability of scaling according to changes in risks and budget.
Our unique safeguard offering is to design a few modular and tailored security loops. We are applying unified control systems for and selected staff members and enabling integrated management and monitoring. Systems may have real time interface to the local authorities and law enforcement.
From start to finish you are involved and you are in charge. We walk side by side with you during the learning, planning, integration, the training and the implementation stages.